Energy solutions

Qualified supply

We provide electricity supply solutions to commercial and industrial customers, ensuring competitive rates, flexibility and personalized service, to optimize expected results.
For those who are not yet qualified users, we guide and support our clients throughout the migration process to qualified supply, including electrical infrastructure adjustments and regulatory procedures.

Natural gas commercialization

Our industry expertise allows us to offer customized and reliable solutions to our clients, including:
- Operations Desk
- Contract Management
- Price Hedging
- Firm Capacity
- Comprehensive Gas Supply
- Integrated Electricity and Gas Supply Solutions
We ensure a reliable supply at competitive prices across the country.

Temporary supply with mobile turbines

We offer temporary energy supply for crisis-prone or unstable areas through our three mobile turbines, capable of generating up to 90 MW.
Our turbines stand out for rapid installation, efficient transportation, fuel flexibility, high efficiency, and low emissions. We guarantee immediate availability and reliability for diverse geographic regions, including the most challenging locations.
Our key differentiators

- We are the largest privately-owned U.S. capital company in Mexico’s electricity sector.
- We have over 20 years of operational experience and a highly qualified workforce.
- We adhere to high safety standards and regulatory compliance
- We maintain financial and credit strength, hrough investment-grade entities rated by Fitch Ratings, Moody’s, and S&P.
- We are committed to sustainability and to the well-being of our teams and the communities where we operate.

Territorial deployment
- We operate 7 plants located in Mexico’s main industrial corridors.
- We have extensive cross-border operations: including gas imports and transportation, electricity exports to California, USA, and a fleet of next-generation mobile turbines.
- We have ambitious growth plans, with a strong focus on renewables and energy storage.

- We participate in the entire value chain of electricity supply, from fuel and input management to generation and operation in the Wholesale Electricity Market.
- Our technology and components optimize the energy transition
- We provide continuous advisory services and tailor-made energy solutions.
- We are rapidly diversifying into renewables and high-efficiency hydropower.